🎧 Kosovo’s Defence Boost Amidst Serbian Aggression


Welcome to The Weekend Dispatch, hosted by Vudi Xhymshiti from the heart of London, proudly brought to you by Frontliner Magazine. Today, we dive into the enduring Kosovo-Serbia dispute, which continues to shape geopolitics beyond the Balkans.

The genesis of this dispute traces back to the Balkan wars and the 1999 NATO bombing campaign, with Serbia still refusing to recognise Kosovo’s sovereignty. Recently, tensions flared as Serbia cozied up to Russia, sparking concerns across the Western world.

Allegations of Serbian provocations in Kosovo escalated since a foreign policy agreement with Moscow in 2022, including armed deployments, boycotts, and border incidents. An even more alarming twist involves the alleged involvement of Serbian-backed individuals in Kosovo, resembling the Russian “green men.”

Kosovo’s political landscape has evolved under leaders like Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Vjosa Osmani, despite Serbia’s reluctance to honour Kosovo’s constitution.

Kosovo’s decision to acquire Javelin anti-tank missile defence systems signifies its commitment to modernising its military, supported by Western powers, particularly the United States.

Join us at Frontliner Magazine as we dissect this complex issue and explore in-depth analyses.

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Author Profile

Vudi Xhymshiti, founder and chief editor of The Frontliner Magazine, brings a wealth of experience in reporting on global armed conflicts and political issues. With a background in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism from the University of the Arts London, and studies in Political Science, International Relations, and Diplomacy, Vudi skilfully merges human rights insights with dedicated journalism. His ethical and thoughtful reporting has graced top publications like The Guardian and The New York Times. At The Frontliner, launched in 2023, he explores the profound effects of conflicts on law, human rights, and freedoms, continuing his commitment to impactful storytelling.

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