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Israel-Iran tensions test limits of US policy amid Gaza war

The escalating tensions between Israel and Iran have put the United States in a difficult position, challenging its foreign policy goals in the Middle East.

Putin’s Power Play: Military and Ideology in Russia’s Global Strategy

Putin's decree for military recruitment amid the Ukraine conflict intertwines with the Russian Orthodox Church's ultranationalist narrative, signalling a deeper ideological strategy.

Kosovo 25 Years Later: From Darkness to Hope

Twenty-five years post-NATO intervention in Kosovo, we reflect on a journey from stark conflict to hopeful resilience, underscoring the crucial balance of human rights and international solidarity.

Latvia’s Enduring Struggle for Security and Identity in the Face of Russian Aggression

Latvia's struggle against Russian aggression extends beyond Putin's era, reflecting deep historical wounds and current tensions. This is evident in both external policies and internal challenges involving ethnic Russians.

Moldova’s Transnistria and the Shadow of Russian Influence

In Moldova's shadowed Transnistria, a simmering crisis unfolds, as pro-Moscow separatists seek Russian "protection," igniting fears of a new flashpoint in Eastern Europe's precarious geopolitical landscape.

A New Dawn for Media Regulation in Kosovo

The Journalists Association of Kosovo expressed concerns over the draft Law on the Independent Media Commission. Despite criticism, the law aligns with EU standards, promoting transparency, independence, and public consultation to enhance media freedom and accountability in Kosovo.

Brussels Talks Collapse Over Kosovo’s Demands

Hopes for a breakthrough in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue were dashed as the tripartite meeting in Brussels failed to materialise due to Kosovo’s conditions.

Julian Assange Released After Five-Year Imprisonment in UK

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, has been freed after five years in a British prison, following a deal with US authorities to plead guilty to charges.

Germany Reinstates Military Draft Amid Russian Threat

Germany is reinstating national military service, driven by fears of Russian aggression. Defence Minister Boris Pistorius' plan aims to bolster military strength amid rising tensions.