Vudi Xhymshiti

Vudi Xhymshiti, founder and chief editor of The Frontliner Magazine, brings a wealth of experience in reporting on global armed conflicts and political issues. With a background in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism from the University of the Arts London, and studies in Political Science, International Relations, and Diplomacy, Vudi skilfully merges human rights insights with dedicated journalism. His ethical and thoughtful reporting has graced top publications like The Guardian and The New York Times. At The Frontliner, launched in 2023, he explores the profound effects of conflicts on law, human rights, and freedoms, continuing his commitment to impactful storytelling.

Exclusive articles:

Rishi Sunak’s Shameful Conflict of Interest: Putting Personal Gain above Public Interest

Rishi Sunak's scandalous conflicts of interest, prioritising family firm's billion-dollar deal with BP, raise doubts about his integrity and commitment to public welfare. Time for accountability.

Miroslav Lajcak’s Failed Leadership and EU’s Credibility Crisis in the Western Balkans

Miroslav Lajcak's biased leadership in the Western Balkans has damaged EU's credibility, undermined progress, and perpetuated a cycle of mistrust. The region deserves better than this flawed envoy.

Senators Fail to Address Escalatory Tensions in Northern Kosovo: A Blatant Betrayal

Silent senators in the U. S., Senate turn a blind eye to Serbia's escalating tensions in northern Kosovo. It's time to prioritise justice and support Kosovo's pursuit of peace and self-determination.

The Quiet Scandal Shaking the Foundations of the European Union

EU's grappling with a far-reaching corruption scandal, casting doubt on officials' integrity and governance. Action is needed to restore public trust and enforce transparency and accountability.

KFOR’s Hypocrisy: Empty Words and Betrayal of Journalists’ Safety

KFOR's betrayal of journalists in northern Kosovo, pushing them away instead of offering protection, demonstrates a grave disregard for press freedom and accountability.

Russia’s Dirty Bomb Accusations: Prelude to Nuclear Escalation?

Russia's latest claims of a Ukrainian 'dirty bomb' plot raise global alarm. Is this a prelude to a nuclear escalation or another disinformation campaign?

The Threat to Democracy in Trump’s Words

Trump’s vow to end voting if re-elected threatens the core of democracy, signalling a shift toward authoritarianism that demands urgent attention and resistance.

Diplomat or Politician? The Misadventures of Jeff Hovenier in Kosovo

Ambassador Hovenier, overstepping diplomatic boundaries, undermines Kosovo's sovereignty by interfering in its internal decisions—aligning dangerously with interests favoring Kremlin-backed Belgrade.

Ukraine’s Bold Push into Russia’s Kursk Region: Zelenskyy Acknowledges First Invasion

Zelenskyy acknowledges Ukraine's incursion into Russia's Kursk region, marking a pivotal escalation in the conflict and underscoring Kyiv's strategy to restore justice.