KFOR’s Hypocrisy: Empty Words and Betrayal of Journalists’ Safety


In a recent statement, KFOR claims to strongly condemn the attacks on journalists in northern Kosovo, portraying themselves as champions of press freedom and expression. However, the reality on the ground tells a different story—a tale of abandonment, negligence, and complicity on the part of KFOR.

It is indeed ironic that KFOR now speaks about the fundamental values of freedom of the press and expression, considering their own reprehensible conduct when journalists sought refuge and protection from them. Despite the journalists being acutely aware of the dangers they faced, they turned to KFOR in the hope of finding safety. But what did they encounter? The heavy hand of betrayal.

“Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are fundamental values which must be respected by all,” says KFOR, but it doesn’t stand to protect it.

KFOR’s failure to provide adequate protection and assistance to these journalists is not only a dereliction of duty but also an endorsement of the criminal acts perpetrated against them. By denying refuge and turning a blind eye to the plight of journalists, KFOR effectively facilitated the criminals, granting them a free pass to carry out their heinous acts without consequences.

Journalists play an invaluable role in society by providing information, uncovering the truth, and holding power accountable. They put their lives on the line to report on important issues and expose wrongdoing, often in the face of grave danger. In return, they deserve protection and support from those who claim to champion freedom and democracy.

KFOR’s actions, or rather lack thereof, demonstrate a shocking disregard for the safety and well-being of journalists. Instead of standing as a shield between the journalists and their assailants, KFOR pushed them away, leaving them vulnerable and exposed to further harm. This betrayal of trust is a stain on the reputation of KFOR and a betrayal of the principles they purport to uphold.

By failing to fulfil its responsibility of ensuring the safety of journalists, KFOR has not only compromised the lives of those directly affected but has also struck a blow to the freedom of the press itself. Journalists now face an even more precarious environment, where their trust in international peacekeeping forces has been shattered and their faith in justice has been shaken.

If KFOR truly wishes to live up to their lofty rhetoric, they must take immediate and concrete steps to rectify their failures. Merely issuing statements of condemnation and hollow promises will not suffice. KFOR must prioritize the safety of journalists, provide them with the protection they need, and hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes. Anything less would be an utter betrayal of the fundamental values they claim to uphold.

In the face of this grave betrayal, journalists must unite and demand justice. The international community, too, must not turn a blind eye to the plight of these brave reporters. The freedom of the press is a cornerstone of any democracy, and it is the responsibility of all who cherish democracy to denounce KFOR’s negligence and demand accountability.

The time for empty words and symbolic gestures has passed. It is now incumbent upon KFOR to act decisively and rectify the damage they have caused. The world is watching, and history will judge them by their actions—or rather, their lack thereof.

The freedom of the press is not a privilege granted by peacekeeping forces—it is a fundamental right that must be protected at all costs. KFOR’s failure to fulfil its responsibilities has not only jeopardized the lives of journalists but has also undermined the principles they claim to uphold. It is high time that KFOR recognizes the gravity of its failures, takes decisive action, and restores faith in its mission by prioritizing the safety of journalists and defending the very values they profess to champion.

The world is watching, and history will remember how KFOR responds in this critical moment. Will they choose to perpetuate their betrayal, or will they rise to the occasion and take meaningful steps towards justice and the protection of press freedom? The time for accountability is now, and the integrity of KFOR hangs in the balance.

Author Profile

Vudi Xhymshiti, founder and chief editor of The Frontliner Magazine, brings a wealth of experience in reporting on global armed conflicts and political issues. With a background in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism from the University of the Arts London, and studies in Political Science, International Relations, and Diplomacy, Vudi skilfully merges human rights insights with dedicated journalism. His ethical and thoughtful reporting has graced top publications like The Guardian and The New York Times. At The Frontliner, launched in 2023, he explores the profound effects of conflicts on law, human rights, and freedoms, continuing his commitment to impactful storytelling.

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