History reminds us that when silence meets aggression, it’s not the aggressor who suffers. The world’s moral compass must not waver in the face of power. — Vudi Xhymshiti, September 2023.
In a world that usually relies on diplomacy and fair play, something shocking has happened. A foreign country sends armed people into another country’s territory. Their mission? To kill the local police and create chaos. This sort of action is a big no-no in international rules. It’s like breaking the most important laws that countries follow.
When a country does this, it’s usually called an “act of aggression” or an “invasion.” These words are not just fancy phrases; they mean that a country’s sovereignty, its right to control its own land and people, is being attacked.
In normal times, such actions would lead to serious consequences. Diplomatic relations would sour, and economic punishments like sanctions might be imposed. In the worst-case scenario, it could even lead to a full-blown war, depending on how the affected country and the rest of the world respond.
These terms and rules aren’t pulled out of thin air. They are based on important international agreements and norms. The United Nations Charter, for example, clearly says that countries should not use force to harm another country’s independence. And there’s a whole United Nations Resolution (number 3314) that spells out what an “act of aggression” is.
Now, here’s where things get strange. The Republic of Serbia recently declared a three-day period of mourning for some armed individuals. These individuals crossed into Kosovo, which is its own independent country, from Serbia. They didn’t come empty-handed; they had heavily armed vehicles and were part of a larger group. Tragically, they killed a police officer from Kosovo named Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku.
This event suggests something troubling. Serbia seems to be getting cosy with the Kremlin, the government of Russia, ever since they signed an agreement just last year. It’s like they’re copying Russia’s tactics in Ukraine, where Russia’s actions have caused a lot of trouble.
But what’s even more puzzling is how some powerful countries, like those in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), are reacting to all of this. Instead of taking a strong stance against Serbia’s actions, they seem to be tiptoeing around the issue. It’s as if they’re ignoring the very rules they helped create and enforce.