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Exclusive articles:

“Kosovo’s Sovereignty Under Siege” Sali Berisha Speaks to THE FRONTLINER

Edi Rama’s alignment with Serbian policies and George Soros's influence threatens Kosovo's sovereignty, reveals Sali Berisha in an exclusive interview with THE FRONTLINER.

Editorial Stance on Recent Reports Concerning BIRN

We apologise for any oversight in our BIRN coverage. We're halting further reports and verifying claims to ensure our journalism upholds the highest standards of integrity.

Protected: [PENDING INVESTIGATION] — BIRN Crisis: Strike Exposes Leadership Failures and Threats to Journalistic Integrity

Our May 10, 2024 report on the BIRN crisis is being scrutinised as new evidence suggests we could have been misled.

Under Siege: The U.S. Assault on Independent Journalism in Kosovo

Despite clear evidence, U.S. officials and complicit NGOs launched a smear campaign against Vudi Xhymshiti for exposing conflicts of interest in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

Diplomatic Dismissal: The Fall of U.S. Envoy Gabriel Escobar Following Investigative Journalism

Gabriel Escobar, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary, was dismissed as envoy to the Western Balkans after THE FRONTLINER revealed potential conflicts of interest and questioned his diplomatic integrity.

A Ukrainian Physicist’s Crusade: Ending Russian Influence at CERN

Professor Grynyov advocates severing CERN's ties with JINR, emphasising the misuse of scientific research for military purposes amid geopolitical tensions.

Trump’s War on the Press: A Threat to Democracy

Trump’s combative interactions with the press revealed his authoritarian instincts—undermining journalism, democracy, and seeking to delegitimise any scrutiny of his power.

Russia’s Dirty Bomb Accusations: Prelude to Nuclear Escalation?

Russia's latest claims of a Ukrainian 'dirty bomb' plot raise global alarm. Is this a prelude to a nuclear escalation or another disinformation campaign?

The Threat to Democracy in Trump’s Words

Trump’s vow to end voting if re-elected threatens the core of democracy, signalling a shift toward authoritarianism that demands urgent attention and resistance.