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Veteran Pilot Warns Ukraine: F-16 Combat Will Be Tough

As Ukraine awaits F-16s, veteran pilot Keith Rosenkranz warns of challenges ahead: “Training is one thing, but real combat is another.

EU Slaps High Tariffs on Chinese EVs, Risking Trade War

The EU's imposition of up to 48% tariffs on Chinese EVs sparks fears of a trade war, escalating tensions and impacting global economic stability and EV market dynamics.

Russian Warships in Cuba: A Bold Show of Force Near US Waters

Four Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, anchor in Cuba, signalling a bold show of force amid rising tensions with the West over Ukraine.

Kosovo Government Defends Expropriation Decision Amidst International Criticism

Kosovo faces international criticism for expropriating land in Serb-majority areas, with concerns over legal procedures, while ongoing Serbian aggression complicates regional stability and recognition.

ICJ Orders Israel to Halt Rafah Offensive Amid Genocide Claims

The ICJ orders Israel to halt its Rafah offensive, citing humanitarian disaster and genocide claims, amid escalating tensions and international condemnation. Israel rejects the ruling.

A Ukrainian Physicist’s Crusade: Ending Russian Influence at CERN

Professor Grynyov advocates severing CERN's ties with JINR, emphasising the misuse of scientific research for military purposes amid geopolitical tensions.

Trump’s War on the Press: A Threat to Democracy

Trump’s combative interactions with the press revealed his authoritarian instincts—undermining journalism, democracy, and seeking to delegitimise any scrutiny of his power.

Russia’s Dirty Bomb Accusations: Prelude to Nuclear Escalation?

Russia's latest claims of a Ukrainian 'dirty bomb' plot raise global alarm. Is this a prelude to a nuclear escalation or another disinformation campaign?

The Threat to Democracy in Trump’s Words

Trump’s vow to end voting if re-elected threatens the core of democracy, signalling a shift toward authoritarianism that demands urgent attention and resistance.